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magnetism and magnetic field

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magnetic field

Magnetic field is a radiation of Waves magnetic force (magnetic force waves). Magnetism is produced by Waves of magnetic force (magnetic force waves) . The atoms in the magnet add their magnetic fields and thus enhance overall is causing an exponential growth that produces a chain reaction and this releases energy in waves of magnetic force thus creating the magnetic field . Compression between Waves of magnetic force same polarity is magnetic repellency . Connection and Annexation Waves of magnetic force different polarity is magnetic attraction . (magnetic attraction is the unifying force of atomic magnetic fields ). quote by Author Juan Carlos Aviles Moran ". 


" The Magnetism and magnetic field is a radiation of Waves magnetic force (magnetic force waves). Magnetism is produced by Waves ofmagnetic force (magnetic force waves) . The atoms in the magnet add their magnetic fields and thus enhance overall is causing an exponential growth that produces a chain reaction and this releases energy in waves of magnetic force thus creating the Magnetism andmagnetic field . Compression between Waves of magnetic force same polarity is magnetic repellency . Connection and Annexation Waves of magnetic force different polarity is magnetic attraction . (magnetic attraction is the unifying force of atomic magnetic fields ).quote by Author Juan Carlos Aviles Moran ".

magnetism and magnetic field

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magnetic field

Magnetic field is a radiation of Waves magnetic force (magnetic force waves). Magnetism is produced by Waves of magnetic force (magnetic force waves) . The atoms in the magnet add their magnetic fields and thus enhance overall is causing an exponential growth that produces a chain reaction and this releases energy in waves of magnetic force thus creating the magnetic field . Compression between Waves of magnetic force same polarity is magnetic repellency . Connection and Annexation Waves of magnetic force different polarity is magneticattraction . (magnetic attraction is the unifying force of atomic magnetic fields ). quote by Author Juan Carlos Aviles Moran ". 


" The Magnetism and magnetic field is a radiation of Waves magnetic force (magnetic force waves). Magnetism is produced by Waves ofmagnetic force (magnetic force waves) . The atoms in the magnet add their magnetic fields and thus enhance overall is causing an exponential growth that produces a chain reaction and this releases energy in waves of magnetic force thus creating the Magnetism andmagnetic field . Compression between Waves of magnetic force same polarity is magnetic repellency . Connection and Annexation Waves ofmagnetic force different polarity is magnetic attraction . (magnetic attraction is the unifying force of atomic magnetic fields ).quote by Author Juan Carlos Aviles Moran ".

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